Thursday, October 8, 2009

Gunner is becoming a nudist.........

I went to the doctor Tuesday morning. The reason......did you know that if you checked the box on your drivers license application that says high blood pressure (it's in the same spot that you check to say you need corrective lenses) that you have to have a doctor fill out a paper saying that you can drive with or without restrictions? Well you do. That's what I get for being honest.

I needed to see the doctor anyways. Results of the visit....My blood pressure was good, my Pro Tine levels were perfect. He told me that I can get a flu shot. I never have gotten one because I used to be allergic to eggs. But I eat them now with no problems so he told me to ahead and get it. He prescribed Celebrex for my knees and yes he put me on the "happy" pill (Zoloft). He started writing out the prescription when I started crying as I talked to him. I have to go back in a month so he can see if it's helping or not.

I've tried now for months to pull out of this depression but it is stronger than I am. I was tired of not being myself anymore. I keep telling myself it's okay and everyone is being supportive and I knew it was time when I was starting to feel like no one would even miss me if I just quit showing up for anything. Not suicidal..... just becoming a total recluse.

So three days later my knees feel soooo much better and I actually walked into work this morning with a smile on my face! The doctor said it would take a week for me to notice if the happy pills were working or not but I have to tell you I almost felt giddy today. I just felt lighter and at one point I swear my face hurt from smiling and laughing so much.

When I saw the two shopping carts full of stuff from the maintenance closet in front of my office door.....It didn't even bother me. Normally I would have ranted and raved but I just pushed them back into the maintenance area. WOW....who is that masked women?????????

Yesterday I went out to Leslie's to help with the kids while she worked. When I walked in the house I was greeted by Cambria vacuuming the family room and Gunner running to the top of the stairs shouting "Gamma Gamma!" with nothing on but his shirt.

I had to take Cambria to dance. While she was there Braxton and I were watching a Scooby Doo Halloween movie on CN. I noticed Gunner wasn't downstairs with us. I turned around to see where he was and he was standing in the dinning room with the box of Chocolate Nestle Quick and a spoon eating the chocolate mix right out of the container. He had chocolate all over his face and was happy as a clam. I don't even know where he got it or how. But I cleaned him up and put the Nestle Quick up high in the pantry closet.

After we had eaten dinner Gunner walked into the play room and shut the door. I sent Braxton to see what he was doing (no I don't trust Gunner) and when Braxton opened the door I said "What is he doing?" and Braxton simply replied like it was a normal thing "Oh nothing, Gunner has just taken off all his clothes." I had to chase him down to get his diaper and pajamas on him. What is with this kid and clothes?


  1. Glad to hear that the little pills are making you feel better. Sometimes getting rid of constant pain will take care of depression too.

    Love the nudist story. My 4 year old nephew does the same thing. Must be a guy thing.

  2. You know I totally believe in better living through pharmeceuticals!

  3. I'm glad that you are feeling better, I did noticed how much you were smiling Thursday, it made me happy! I might need that pill soon if I have to keep dealing with you know who in my old area. Blah! I hope you are having a good weekend with the grandkids!

  4. honesty will get you NOWHERE! My driver's license says I weigh 150. BUT it sounds like a good thing that you checked in with your doctor. Sally takes Celebrex for her arthritis and it helps her big time. Hang in there kid.

  5. Young children feel no shame about their bodies be they boy or girl. It is adults who teach them shame, by telling them that it is 'rude' to be naked. This body-shame is a dangerously negative message to give a child and most of us carry it into adult life and perpetuate it with our own children. I say dangerous because it is at the root of eating disorders such as Anorexia.

    It also gets in the way of free and open discussion between children and their parents about sex when the time comes. Children are naturally curious about sex as puberty begins, but by then the damage has been done and they are too embarrassed to talk to their parents (& vica-versa). The result? Some will experiment with friends and this is how teenage pregnancies happen.

    It has been shown that nations with high participation in naturism have much lower rates of teenage pregnancy, abortions and STI's

    So how do you make sure Gunner doesn't strip-off at the supermarket? It is unlikely to happen, but if there are signs that he might, then how about "I haven't got room in the shopping bag to carry your clothes, how about you keep them on so we don't lose them"? He'll soon grow out of it, but without the negative message.

    P.S. I've known several people who have cured their depression (and got off the drugs) by becoming a nudist - myself included. Sunlight boosts Seratonin, but the effects go further than that. Perhaps you should join Gunner!
