This was the week of my first Inventory Prep Audit and I was, to say the least, a little stressed about it. Anyone that knows me knows what a perfectionist I am. I can't help it, it is just the way I am and always have been. So that being said, I was pushing myself to find all the things that I've missed in the learning process of this new job and get them fixed before they showed up on Wednesday.
Audra (who was the invoice clerk before we switched jobs) has been huge help to me the past couple of weeks. She was one of the main auditors for our market when she was the invoice clerk so she knows what they look for. She was kind enough to go through my Division 1 journals and she did an open audit on my open receiving's. She found things, a lot of them were things I didn't know to look for. I have in reality only been doing this for 8 months now so I am still learning. She found about $7,000 in potential shrink and we fixed it and now I know what to look for.
Tawna, Kristie (she was one of the girls that trained me) and Steph (she also trained me) came Wednesday. I have to tell you it was a hard day for me. To sit there and watch them go through everything. The girls were great. After I got the things I had to do finished I sat with them and watched and asked questions. I learned a lot and I will be going out on my first audit in April.
The outcome you ask........ They found a total of $7,588.38 in potential shrink and a little over $4,000 of that was in April and I didn't start in Invoice until May. They said for someone that has been doing invoice for this short of time and to only find that much was awesome. I was very much relieved and a little proud of myself too.
Kristin (the market HR and my old boss) was there and afterwards she came up to me and congratulated me. I went to Audra after they left and gave her a big hug and thanked her for all her help. Even if we would have had the $7,000 she found added to the amount they found, she said that was still a really good number for someone as new as I was.
Now I just have to get through my first inventory which is February 24th. This means lots of new things to learn.
Thursday I did Jade's UPC job and then Friday when she was here we switched and I did her job and she did my opens and auto matches. Then she checked over my work and showed me how to do a few other things.
Thursday night I went to the Adult Education class with Letty and Carol. It was really good the class went almost a half hour over. But we don't mind because he is such a good teacher.
As you can see I've got a concert promo for Paul Cardall on my blog. It will be his first concert since his heart transplant. Remember when I had his music on my blog a few months ago? Well I never heard back from Stone Angel (his recording company) who on the street team won. So when they sent out this mission for us to let people know of the concert, I emailed them back and asked who won the last one. They sent me an email back almost immediately and told me that I had! They didn't have a way to contact me until I sent them that email.
I received my free copy of his newest CD in the mail today. They haven't said what is the prize this time but I checked the leader board and I am a head right now. I would love to go to this concert but I don't have the funds. Maybe next time.....
My friend Rhi has a friend who is making his own comic. It's called "Peter Pan-Vampire" and I have become friends with Gary Brantner (the creator). He is having a contest to find a song with the word 'shadow' in the title and submit them with the group that sings it. The winner will get an autographed copy of his first edition comic book. I've sent him several titles so we'll see if my "lucky streak" will continue.
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