Sunday, September 4, 2011

My sister the black belt.....

My sister Angel started taking karate years ago. Karate is something that I've personally never been interested in doing, but I thought it was cool that Angel liked it.  She has worked very hard at it and that hard work has paid off in that she is now a black belt.

So on August 13th (yes I am very behind in blogging) I went to watch her black belt ceremony.  I rode down with Charles and Debbie.  The dojo were she goes to is way out in Pleasant Grove.  It is in the backyard of her Sensei, Master Davis.

Here is a picture of Angel still in her brown belt.
I had never been in a dojo before (I've only seen them in the anime I watch) so I was really interested to see what one was like.  I don't know that this was the traditional dojo because besides have all the martial art memorabilia and weapons it also had a lot of kids toys and an air hockey table.  I guess this where Master Davis' many grandchildren come to hang out.

Before the ceremony started Angel gave a few demonstrations of her abilities. My favorite was of her breaking bricks. Here it is, don't mess with her....

This is a picture of Sensei Tom (in black), he is a 3rd Don in the Kinshindo Style karate that Angel has mastered.  The one with the white top is Master Davis, the Suko of the Kinshindo Style.  This means he developed this style of karate.

Angel waiting for the ceremony to begin....

Master Davis requesting the start of the ceremony..

This is Angel presenting her brown belt to Master Davis...

This is Master Davis severing the brown belt in half with a blade.  This represents that Angel is no longer a Senpai (student) but that she is now a Sensei (teacher)..

Angel receiving her black belt..

Presenting Angel as a black belt.

Receiving words of advice from her Master, she also received words of advise from Sensei Tom..

My sister the black belt..

Posing with her Master..

Me.Angel and Charles..

Debbie and Charles with Angel...

After the ceremony we had refreshments.  I went home with Angel and we had dinner at Joe's Crab Shack.  Can you say YUMMY!? Then we just hung out and watched movies until I fell asleep.  The next morning I went with her and Puddy to the dog park and then we went to Mimi's for breakfast (yum again).

I am very proud of my sister.  She has worked hard to reach this goal.

Here is the video of Angel breaking a brick for your viewing pleasure.


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